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New update to the blog!


You maybe do not find this post interesting, but I have released a new update for my blog (yay). I love working with my blog while I still have an interest in doing so. It can happen that I stop working on this project because I have come to a stage where I find it boring and want to work on another project like my weather website, Serenum.

The biggest update in this release is that I can now show a toot from my favourite Mastodon instance, Fosstodon (seriously, check it out). Currently, the toots are fetched in PHP, hence the slower page load for this post (and future posts that have linked toots, too). My first thought when using PHP for this was to let those who doesn't allow JavaScript to be loaded to see the toots. I am thinking about let JavaScript fetch the toots in the future, though.

Was not able to fetch the toot.

Other changes are visual stuff on the static pages like login, statistics, and privacy policy. And as always, you can check the source code for this blog at Codeberg and also see the changes for this update.

Have you for an example found a spelling error? Make a correction.

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