Analytics request

The analytics will make Airikr Blog better. If you accept the analytics request, the following data will be stored about you:

  • The device's IP address
  • Browser's user agent
  • What pages you visit
  • A timestamp when you agreed to the analytics
  • A timestamp for each page you've visited

Read more on how the website uses your data.

Showing posts with the tag "programming"

The biggest update yet


I have been working on a big update for my blog for maybe 2 whole months now (with some lazy days with no coding), and I am finally all done! This update gives the blog a worthy design for this type of websites and a lot of tweaks.

The update contains over 10 new features and a lot of fixed bugs and improvements. It is so much done in this update, that Firefox 90.0 for Linux almost crashed when I went to the changelog page on Codeberg So I had to start SmartGit in order to see the changelog.

Here's the complete changelog:

  • Added a new design with the touch of a real blog.
  • Added new method to load the posts on the home page. This reduces the page load a lot.
  • Added preparations for the edit feature. When this is done, whenever I edit a post, you can see what I've edited like in git (what I have added and what I have removed).
  • Added the possibility for visitors to send suggestions of a blog post (see example). You can find this feature below a blog post when you're reading it.
  • Added the possibility to randomly go to a blog post. You can find this link in the menu.
  • Added a page that shows all comments for all blog posts. You can find this link in the menu. This page is not yet ready for smaller screens, like smartphones.
  • Added a confirmation pop-up window when you click on "Send my comment" in the comment form.
  • Added JSON support for the RSS feed.
  • Added automatic detection of what theme you have on your system (dark or light). This feature is entirely based on JavaScript, so if you have JavaScript disabled, this feature will not work.
  • Added a transition when you switch themes.
  • Added a new system of how tags will be linked to a blog post. Before, tags was added to a single column in the database. Now, the tags are added to 2 tables: tags and tags_linked. tags handles the names and what language the tag are in, while tags_linked handles what tags are linked to what blog posts.
  • Added a "tag cloud" on the home page below all posts.
  • Added support for SMTP for upcoming features.
  • Changed how the comments are loaded and how you interact with the comments. No more page loads!
  • Changed how the email address for a comment will be stored. Before, it was encrypted with the comment's password. Now, it is hashed with SHA-256.
  • Improved the configuration file.
  • Deleted the about page and added the content to the side panel.

I gave the visitor experience more work because that matters more than what the admin panel are. Because of this, the admin pages are not as finished as what the rest of the blog are. Will work on it later on.

One downside with this update is that the website seems to be slower than before the update (according to GTMetrix). The performance went down from 98-100% to 83-85%. Will try to fix this some day.

If you find any bugs or errors, please report them to me as a comment blow or on Mastodon

Yet another update for my blog


I have now spent over 2 hours on fixing bugs and improve the whole blog for everyone's pleasure. I tried to fix the bugs a few days ago, but I didn't have the strength to do it. When I work a lot with my web projects, I can go on and on for hours and after a few weeks or months, I have zero strength to work with any web project. But now, these little fuckers called bugs are now squashed (except for one that do not want to update the RSS feed upon publish/save for a post which I can't figure out what the problem is)!

The changelog is not big, bug the blog have been considered as done for weeks now, so I am only fine-tuning everything. But for me who use the blog inside and out, I always find a joy of visiting and use the blog after each update (which... is quite... obvious... right?).

Alright! Let's hear it for the changelog, everyone:

  • Updated toots so the shows media now (if existing). See example below. 1 2
  • Updated the metadata for blog posts. For an example, instead of having for og:url for a blog post, it has the correct link to that post (example: 1
  • Added pingback through Webmention because... why not? 1
  • Added support for JavaScript when writing a blog post. It is now an absolute joy to write them! 1
  • Added a user settings page. Now I can just log in to my account and my name, email address, and URL will be automatically filled when writing a comment. 1
Was not able to fetch the toot.

I need your help!

If you know how to check for vulnerabilities on a website, please check my blog and report any vulnerabilities you may find.

New update to the blog!


You maybe do not find this post interesting, but I have released a new update for my blog (yay). I love working with my blog while I still have an interest in doing so. It can happen that I stop working on this project because I have come to a stage where I find it boring and want to work on another project like my weather website, Serenum.

The biggest update in this release is that I can now show a toot from my favourite Mastodon instance, Fosstodon (seriously, check it out). Currently, the toots are fetched in PHP, hence the slower page load for this post (and future posts that have linked toots, too). My first thought when using PHP for this was to let those who doesn't allow JavaScript to be loaded to see the toots. I am thinking about let JavaScript fetch the toots in the future, though.

Was not able to fetch the toot.

Other changes are visual stuff on the static pages like login, statistics, and privacy policy. And as always, you can check the source code for this blog at Codeberg and also see the changes for this update.

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